Saturday, April 12, 2014



Managers can purchase youths between the ages of 13 and 15 years old. There are two main selection criteria for youths: talent, position on the field (goalkeeper, defender, midfielder and forwarder).
The incomes from the Youth sale are transferred to the Partners Fund, and the prices are set in Gold, as follows:
5 Gold – Talent 1 – develops his main skill with 32% – 40%. Training speed: +0%;
15 Gold - Talent 2 – develops his main skill with 42% – 50%. Training speed: +25%;
45 Gold - Talent 3 – develops his main skill with 52% – 60%. Training speed: +50%;
135 Gold - Talent 4 – develops his main skill with 72% – 80%. Training speed: +75%;
405 Gold - Talent 5 – develops his main skill with 92% – 100%. Training speed: +100%.
At the age of 16 years old, the youths can be promoted to the First Team. The Youth Team trains separately from the First Team.

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