Saturday, April 12, 2014



The Stadium is the place where your football team proves the abilities gained during training. The maximum capacity of the Stadium is 100.000 seats. The presence of spectators at your team’s games is an extremely important factor of your Club's finances. The number of ticket-paying supporters is determined by the Popularity of your club, but also by the Popularity of your opposing club. In a market study an approximation has been made regarding the supporters placing in the Stadium: chairs - about 60% of all supporters attending the game, the armchairs - 30% and Lodge - 10%.
Stadium capacity will be determined according to the upgrade as follows:
upgrade 1 – 1 up to 20 000 places;
upgrade 2 – 20 000 up to 40 000 places;
upgrade 3 – 40 000 up to 60 000 places;
upgrade 4 – 60 000 up to 80 000 places;
upgrade 5 – 80 000 up to 100 000 places.
Popularity decreases when your team loses matches and when the supporters are not satisfied with the conditions in your Stadium, due to the lack of seats. Also, your Popularity increases according to the League your team is in and the facilities of your Club Park, the parking places, administrative building, the commodities of your Stadium, the quality of the Pitch, the Roof and of the Nocturnals.


The supporters are independent fans renowned for their fanatical vocal support, which is used to create an atmosphere that intimidates the opposing players and supporters, as well as encouraging their own team. Real supporters participate to as many games as possible, no matter what the costs are, to prove the loyalty to their team. This zone is dedicated to your supporters.
The number of ticket paying supporters coming to the Stadium is determined by your club's popularity, and the popularity of the opposing club. Thus, for each home game, the presence of supporters will be calculated using the following formula:

(The Popularity of your Club + The Popularity of the opposing Club) / 2.

If your team loses matches, your supporters become unhappy, decreasing your Club's incomes, and if your team wins matches you will have more ticket paying supporters thus increasing your Club's incomes.
Also, you will be able to set the price of the tickets for every match, according to three comfort categories: chairs, armchairs and lodges.


The Administrative Building is the key element to the management of your Club Park. From the administrative building, you can make investments and withdrawals. An Administrative Building of a higher level will increase the popularity of your Club and the earnings, implicitly.
The Administrative Building has 5 levels of upgrade, which will offer popularity as following:
upgrade 1 - 0.2 points;
upgrade 2 – 0.4 points;
upgrade 3 - 0.6 points;
upgrade 4 - 0.8 points;
upgrade 5 - 1 point;
Also, from the Administrative Building you can invest from your Manager balance into your Club, in order to purchase players, upgrade your buildings and pay the salaries of your players.


In order for your players to be always fit, they need Food and Energy Drinks prepared after a recipe known only by your Club's cooks.
A Restaurant of a higher level will offer an energy bonus through the Food consumed by the players of your team, as following:
upgrade 1 - 20% energy;
upgrade 2 – 40% energy;
upgrade 3 - 60% energy;
upgrade 4 - 80% energy;
upgrade 5 - 100% energy;
The Food
The Food is consumed at regular hours, two times a day, at 08.00 and 18.00, according to each country's time zone. If you have Food of different qualities, the first food consumed will be the Food of Superior Quality, then Medium Quality Food and finally Low Quality Food.
Also, the Food will be consumed only if there are enough pieces on stock to cover the necessary for the whole line-up. Inferior Quality Food will offer your players 5 energy points per player, Medium Quality Food will offer 15 energy points per player and the High Quality Food offers 25 energy points per player. When you buy Food from the Market you receive 100 portions of food in the Restaurant's stock.
The Energy Drinks
The Energy Drinks are consumed when the manager decides it. If you have Energy Drinks of different qualities, the first Energy Drink consumed will be the Superior Quality Energy Drink, then the Medium Quality Energy Drink and then the Low Quality Energy Drink.
. Also, the Energy Drinks will be consumed only if there are enough pieces on stock to cover the necessary for the whole line-up. Low Quality Energy Drink offers 5 energy points per player, Medium Quality Energy Drink offer 15 energy points per player and the High Quality Energy Drink offers 25 energy points per player. When you buy Energy Drinks from the Market you receive 100 pieces of Energy Drinks in the Restaurant's stock


During the matches, the football players may suffer injuries. The injuries affect the whole team, since important players may be missing from the field for a period.
The Clinic helps recovering the injured players as fast as possible, depending on the upgrade level, as following:
upgrade 1 - 20% faster;
upgrade 2 – 40% faster;
upgrade 3 - 60% faster;
upgrade 4 - 80% faster;
upgrade 5 - 100% faster;.


To always be fit, your football players need to rest in the best conditions possible. The more rested they are, the more Energy they will have, and their performances during the matches will considerably increase.
The Hotel gives Energy every day depending on the upgrade, as following:
upgrade 1 - 3 points;
upgrade 2 – 6 points;
upgrade 3 - 9 points;
upgrade 4 - 12 points;
upgrade 5 - 15 points;


The supporters who come to the stadium to see the matches of your team will appreciate the comfort offered by the Club's manager through the Parking.
Thus, when your team plays at home, your popularity will increase, depending on the upgrade of the Parking, as following:
upgrade 1 - 0.6 points;
upgrade 2 – 1.2 points;
upgrade 3 - 1.8 points;
upgrade 4 - 2.4 points;
upgrade 5 - 3 points;


In order to win a match, your players train in advance and be prepared forehand. The players need an extra Training Field, to be fit and to exercise the tactics conceived by the coach.
The Training Field will help the players and the youths to train faster, depending on the upgrade, as following:
upgrade 1 - 20% faster;
upgrade 2 – 40% faster;
upgrade 3 - 60% faster;
upgrade 4 - 80% faster;
upgrade 5 - 100% faster;
From here you can also purchase new players, Youths and Trainers, choose their skill level and their type.

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