Monday, April 14, 2014



The Federation Fund consists of the trainers sale made by the Federation, 50% of the bidding price for a position in the league, 35% of the starting price of the referral auction + an additional 35% from the difference between the final price and the starting price of the referral auction, taxes from the incomes of the each user (15%), withdrawal of funds from the club (5%), incomes from the ticket sales to supporters (35%).


The Daily Fund consists of all the incomes of a day, which at the end are distributed: 50% to the Federation Fund, 15% to the Affiliates Fund, 15% to the Referral Fund, 15% to the Continental Championship and 5% to the National Cup.


The Championship Fund is divided into two sections, the Current Championship Fund and the Future Championship Fund. This fund is collected from the Federation Fund and the championship bonuses are paid from it at the end of every season.
The percentage for the Championship Fund is set by the Federation Committee.


The Victory Fund is divided into two sections, the Current Victory Fund and the Future Victory Fund. The incomes of this fund are received from the Federation and are distributed to the teams according to the League they are in.
The percentage for the Victory Fund is set by the Federation Committee.


Whenever the Managers upgrade buildings, transfer players, upgrade the Stadiums or elements of the Stadium, exchange money on the Financial Market, buy youths or pay the taxes for buying referrals, buy shares from the Partners' Fund, the Partners' Fund is being capitalized. The Partners Fund Gold balance will be regularly exchanged in euro.
When this fund reaches 10.000 Euro, it is distributed to shareholders as dividends, depending on the amount of their own shares, 0.01 Euro/ share. The shares can be transacted on the Share Market.
Share Market
In this menu you can see the offers on the share market. The prices are set in Euros.
In this menu you have a list of all the shareholders and the exact amount of shares they posses. Also you have available the Euro and Gold balance in the Partner's Fund.
My shares
He you can see the amount of share you purchased.


Place this link on forums, blogs, message board of different chat or IM application, or send it by e-mail. All the users who register on your link become your referrals. They will pay a tax of 10% from the bonus incomes (victory, championship, cup or national cup), as well as from the incomes gained through the referral or player sale.
Remember that for each referral who signed up on your Affiliates link, you will receive 0.1 Affiliates points per day, if the respective referral is active. In the Top subsection you can see the current point value, which is updated upon current user points and may vary according to the total number of points. The Affiliates Fund is distributed once a month and you will receive this bonus in Euro for the integer points obtained in the respective month. When the fund is distributed the points are reset.


Here you can see a list of all your the referrals. All the referrals you obtain are permanent. You can put for auction any referral from your referrals list, who has logged in the last 3 days and who is not currently put for auction. When you register a referral for auction, you will pay a registration tax of 25% out of the starting price, to the Partners' Fund.
When the auction ends, a tax on the transaction income of 25% out of the difference between the final price and the starting price is paid to the Partners' Fund. Every day you will receive a Referral Bonus of maximum 3 Gold for every active referral, depending on their popularity.
Your referral link is available on the home page of your account . Promote this link on forums, blogs , a chat message window or a messaging application or send it by e -mail . All those who register through it will become your direct permanent referrals. The more referrals you have , the more benefits you will have, financially speaking . From each in game income , your referral will pay a tax of 10%.
Furthermore, we mention that in GoalTycoon , there doesn't exist he concept of blocked referrals , all of them are permanent . On the Referral Market, you can sell any referral registered through your affiliate link which has been active in the last 3 days and has to have minimum 50 Popularity points. When registering a referral for the auction , you will pay a paid a fee of 25 % of the auction starting price to the Partner's Fund . When the auction ends, a tax on the transaction income of 25% out of the difference between the final price and the starting price is paid to the Partners' Fund. The initial duration of the auction can be set between 1 and 7 days. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.
In the first month of registration , each one of your affiliates will generate affiliates points. The first Affiliates fund will be distributed on the 1st of May, and you will receive affiliates points according to their popularity , as follows :
0-50 points = 0.1 points Popularity Affiliates per day;
51-100 points = 0.5 points Popularity Affiliates per day;
Over 100 Popularity points = 1 point Affiliates per day.
Therefore, the more popularity your referrals have , the more points you will receive . In addition, you will receive a bonus of 10 Affilites points for the first investment, bigger than 18 Euros that your referrals make. On the 1st of each month , at 00.00 , the Affiliates fund will be distributed to all managers who achieved full points until that date , depending on the number of integer points accumulated . After the Affiliates fund is distributed, the points will be reset and a new affiliate program will start, which will last one month.