Saturday, April 12, 2014



Every club has a group of 8 advisors that will counsel the managers regarding the necessities of his club.
The Financial Advisor helps the manager with the development of the Administrative Building. The Administrative Building is a key element of the management of your Club Park. An administrative building of a higher level will increase the popularity of your Club and therefore its earnings. The administrative building has 5 levels of upgrade, which will provide extra popularity points. This advisor will keep you informed about your club's finances and popularity level.
The Stadium Advisor helps the manager with the development of the Stadium. The Stadium is where your football players will show their skills acquired during training. The maximum capacity of the Stadium is 100,000 seats. The presence of spectators at your team's matches is an extremely important factor for your players’ morale, and for your club's finances. This advisor will keep you informed with the needs of the stadium and state of its components.
The Restaurant Advisor helps the manager with the development of the Restaurant. For your players to be always in shape, they need Food and Energy Drinks prepared by a special recipe, known only by your club's cook. A restaurant of a higher level will offer an energy bonus through the food consumed by your team players. This advisor will keep you informed about the available food stock.
The Training Advisor will keep you informed about your team’s workouts. In order for your team to win a match, they must prepare in advance. Players need an additional Training Ground to be in shape and to practice tactics designed by the trainer. The Training Field helps the players and the youths to train faster, depending on the upgrade level.
The Parking Advisor will keep the manager informed about the development of the Parking. Fans who come to the Stadium to watch your team's the matches will appreciate the comfort offered through the Parking Lot. Thus, your popularity will increase, depending on the upgrade level of the parking lot. As your popularity is higher, so will be your club's incomes. This advisor will inform the manager about the state of the parking lot and the popularity level.
The Hospital Advisor will help the manager to develop his hospital. During matches, football players can suffer injuries. Injuries affect the entire team, as key players may be missing for a certain period from the field. The Hospital helps heal the injured players in a shorter time, depending on the upgrade level. This advisor will keep him informed regarding the health of the players.
The Hotel Advisor aims to help the manager develop his Hotel. To stay in shape, football players need proper resting conditions after every game. The more rested they are, the more energy they will have and their performance during matches will increase considerably. The Hotel provides Energy according to the upgrade level. This advisor will keep the manager informed about the needs of the Hotel needs.
The Supporters Advisor will constantly inform the manager regarding the supporters’ disposition. Also, the counselor will keep him informed of the needs of the club, so that the fans are always satisfied.

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