Monday, April 14, 2014



In this menu you are able to see all the details about your profile. You also have a detailed list with all the transactions you have made.


This menu will redirect you to the City menu where you can see all the buildings of your Club Park.


From this menu you will be redirected to the Administrative Building in order to make transactions between the Manager Fund and the Club Fund. You also have available a transaction history.


From this menu you can put the players from your team to training. The training is very important in developing the skills of your players. In order to train a player you need to use the Drag and Drop method, hold the click on the player you wish to train and put him on one of the wanted field positions (goalkeeper, tackling, dribbling, head shoot, shoot, passing). The training takes place automatically every day between 11:00 and 12:00 (server time), if your players are placed on their training positions. Through the same method you can place the trainers in the space assigned to them. All actions are saved automatically.
Each day you will receive a training report, which will inform you about the details regarding the training performed. Remember that the training speed depends on 4 factors:
the upgrade of the training fields;
the coaches;
the energy of the players.


From this menu you can see the information about the training of your players, about the effectiveness of training and you can also see what players have increased their skills. Also, your players consume 50% of their Energy each time they train.


In this section, you can choose the line-up for the next match. You have information about each of your players. In order to see the details of a player you simply need to click on that player. For each one of your players, you can see the moral, energy, form, experience, stamina, goalkeeping abilities, tackling, dribbling, long shot, head shot, shot, passing, position, efficiency general and actual score. All the information available will help you choose the best strategy for your team's matches.
The respective abbreviations stand for the following:


From this menu you can set the tactics of your team for the next match. You can set different parameters in order to conceive the best strategy for your next match, such as: line-up (ex. 4-4-2, 3-5-1, etc.), game style (normal, defensive, offensive), attitude (aggressive, normal, possessive), and passing (long passes or short passes). You may also set the bonus for each match and the bonus for the whole season.
Moreover, you can put your players in the first team. In order to put a player in the first team or to change the position of your players in the field, drag-and-drop the player you want to the position you want. Do not forget to set the captain, the free kicks taker, the penalty taker and the corner taker.


Here you have a list of all the players that are put up for auction. You can select the players depending on the following criteria: position on the field, age, talent, leg, country, auction price, salary, speed, stamina, and also abilities, goalkeeper, defense, passing, ball control, cross, head shot and shooting. For each player from the market you can see the time left until the auction ends.
During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.


The city is composed of the following buildings: Stadium, Administrative Building, Restaurant, Hotel, Clinic, Parking Lot, space for the Supporters. Each building has its unique features and can be upgraded.
If you click on each building, you can see the current upgrade, the necessary materials for the next level of upgrade, and the benefits of each building.


In this menu you can see a ranking of teams according to multiple categories.



The Federation Fund consists of the trainers sale made by the Federation, 50% of the bidding price for a position in the league, 35% of the starting price of the referral auction + an additional 35% from the difference between the final price and the starting price of the referral auction, taxes from the incomes of the each user (15%), withdrawal of funds from the club (5%), incomes from the ticket sales to supporters (35%).


The Daily Fund consists of all the incomes of a day, which at the end are distributed: 50% to the Federation Fund, 15% to the Affiliates Fund, 15% to the Referral Fund, 15% to the Continental Championship and 5% to the National Cup.


The Championship Fund is divided into two sections, the Current Championship Fund and the Future Championship Fund. This fund is collected from the Federation Fund and the championship bonuses are paid from it at the end of every season.
The percentage for the Championship Fund is set by the Federation Committee.


The Victory Fund is divided into two sections, the Current Victory Fund and the Future Victory Fund. The incomes of this fund are received from the Federation and are distributed to the teams according to the League they are in.
The percentage for the Victory Fund is set by the Federation Committee.


Whenever the Managers upgrade buildings, transfer players, upgrade the Stadiums or elements of the Stadium, exchange money on the Financial Market, buy youths or pay the taxes for buying referrals, buy shares from the Partners' Fund, the Partners' Fund is being capitalized. The Partners Fund Gold balance will be regularly exchanged in euro.
When this fund reaches 10.000 Euro, it is distributed to shareholders as dividends, depending on the amount of their own shares, 0.01 Euro/ share. The shares can be transacted on the Share Market.
Share Market
In this menu you can see the offers on the share market. The prices are set in Euros.
In this menu you have a list of all the shareholders and the exact amount of shares they posses. Also you have available the Euro and Gold balance in the Partner's Fund.
My shares
He you can see the amount of share you purchased.


Place this link on forums, blogs, message board of different chat or IM application, or send it by e-mail. All the users who register on your link become your referrals. They will pay a tax of 10% from the bonus incomes (victory, championship, cup or national cup), as well as from the incomes gained through the referral or player sale.
Remember that for each referral who signed up on your Affiliates link, you will receive 0.1 Affiliates points per day, if the respective referral is active. In the Top subsection you can see the current point value, which is updated upon current user points and may vary according to the total number of points. The Affiliates Fund is distributed once a month and you will receive this bonus in Euro for the integer points obtained in the respective month. When the fund is distributed the points are reset.


Here you can see a list of all your the referrals. All the referrals you obtain are permanent. You can put for auction any referral from your referrals list, who has logged in the last 3 days and who is not currently put for auction. When you register a referral for auction, you will pay a registration tax of 25% out of the starting price, to the Partners' Fund.
When the auction ends, a tax on the transaction income of 25% out of the difference between the final price and the starting price is paid to the Partners' Fund. Every day you will receive a Referral Bonus of maximum 3 Gold for every active referral, depending on their popularity.
Your referral link is available on the home page of your account . Promote this link on forums, blogs , a chat message window or a messaging application or send it by e -mail . All those who register through it will become your direct permanent referrals. The more referrals you have , the more benefits you will have, financially speaking . From each in game income , your referral will pay a tax of 10%.
Furthermore, we mention that in GoalTycoon , there doesn't exist he concept of blocked referrals , all of them are permanent . On the Referral Market, you can sell any referral registered through your affiliate link which has been active in the last 3 days and has to have minimum 50 Popularity points. When registering a referral for the auction , you will pay a paid a fee of 25 % of the auction starting price to the Partner's Fund . When the auction ends, a tax on the transaction income of 25% out of the difference between the final price and the starting price is paid to the Partners' Fund. The initial duration of the auction can be set between 1 and 7 days. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.
In the first month of registration , each one of your affiliates will generate affiliates points. The first Affiliates fund will be distributed on the 1st of May, and you will receive affiliates points according to their popularity , as follows :
0-50 points = 0.1 points Popularity Affiliates per day;
51-100 points = 0.5 points Popularity Affiliates per day;
Over 100 Popularity points = 1 point Affiliates per day.
Therefore, the more popularity your referrals have , the more points you will receive . In addition, you will receive a bonus of 10 Affilites points for the first investment, bigger than 18 Euros that your referrals make. On the 1st of each month , at 00.00 , the Affiliates fund will be distributed to all managers who achieved full points until that date , depending on the number of integer points accumulated . After the Affiliates fund is distributed, the points will be reset and a new affiliate program will start, which will last one month.



In this section you can see all the offers of products. These products are manufactured in MarketGlory and are sold on the GoalTycoon market. In order to sell these products you have to set their price in EURO and they will automatically appear on the market if you have sufficient products in your stock.
Note that the products are sorted by category and quality.


In this section you can exchange the currencies you have in any currency available on GoalTycoon. Note that in GoalTycoon there are over 240 currencies, and each country operates with its own currency.
For each transaction on the Financial Market, you will pay a fee of 3% of the value of the transaction, which is paid exclusively in Gold. This tax goes to the Partner's Fund.


Here you can see the referrals you put up for auction. You can put for auction any referral from your referrals list, who has logged in the last 3 days and who is not already on the list. When you register a referral for auction, you will pay a registration tax of 25% out of the starting price, to the Partners' Fund.
When the auction ends, a tax of 25% is paid to the Partners' Fund, on the transaction income out of the difference between the final price and the starting price. The initial term of an auction can be set between 1 and 7 days, when the referral is put up for auction, regardless of the starting price and the registration tax.
During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.


Here you have a list of all the players that are put up for auction. You can select the players depending on the following criteria: position on the field, age, talent, leg, country, auction price, salary, speed, stamina, and also abilities, goalkeeper, defense, passing, ball control, cross, head shot and shooting. For each player from the market you can see the time left until the auction ends.
During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.


From this menu, you are redirected to the Training section where the purchase of trainers is automatically selected. You can also choose the ability of the trainer you want purchase and his specialty: shot, head shot, long shot, dribbling, tackling, goalkeeping, speed, stamina, passes.
The incomes from the Trainer sale are transferred to the Federation Fund


From this menu you will be redirected to the Training section where the option to buy Youths will be automatically selected. There are two main selection criteria for Youths: talent and the position on the field (goalkeeper, defense, midfielder, forwarder).
The incomes from the Youth sale are transferred to the Partners Fund.

Saturday, April 12, 2014



The Stadium is the place where your football team proves the abilities gained during training. The maximum capacity of the Stadium is 100.000 seats. The presence of spectators at your team’s games is an extremely important factor of your Club's finances. The number of ticket-paying supporters is determined by the Popularity of your club, but also by the Popularity of your opposing club. In a market study an approximation has been made regarding the supporters placing in the Stadium: chairs - about 60% of all supporters attending the game, the armchairs - 30% and Lodge - 10%.
Stadium capacity will be determined according to the upgrade as follows:
upgrade 1 – 1 up to 20 000 places;
upgrade 2 – 20 000 up to 40 000 places;
upgrade 3 – 40 000 up to 60 000 places;
upgrade 4 – 60 000 up to 80 000 places;
upgrade 5 – 80 000 up to 100 000 places.
Popularity decreases when your team loses matches and when the supporters are not satisfied with the conditions in your Stadium, due to the lack of seats. Also, your Popularity increases according to the League your team is in and the facilities of your Club Park, the parking places, administrative building, the commodities of your Stadium, the quality of the Pitch, the Roof and of the Nocturnals.


The supporters are independent fans renowned for their fanatical vocal support, which is used to create an atmosphere that intimidates the opposing players and supporters, as well as encouraging their own team. Real supporters participate to as many games as possible, no matter what the costs are, to prove the loyalty to their team. This zone is dedicated to your supporters.
The number of ticket paying supporters coming to the Stadium is determined by your club's popularity, and the popularity of the opposing club. Thus, for each home game, the presence of supporters will be calculated using the following formula:

(The Popularity of your Club + The Popularity of the opposing Club) / 2.

If your team loses matches, your supporters become unhappy, decreasing your Club's incomes, and if your team wins matches you will have more ticket paying supporters thus increasing your Club's incomes.
Also, you will be able to set the price of the tickets for every match, according to three comfort categories: chairs, armchairs and lodges.


The Administrative Building is the key element to the management of your Club Park. From the administrative building, you can make investments and withdrawals. An Administrative Building of a higher level will increase the popularity of your Club and the earnings, implicitly.
The Administrative Building has 5 levels of upgrade, which will offer popularity as following:
upgrade 1 - 0.2 points;
upgrade 2 – 0.4 points;
upgrade 3 - 0.6 points;
upgrade 4 - 0.8 points;
upgrade 5 - 1 point;
Also, from the Administrative Building you can invest from your Manager balance into your Club, in order to purchase players, upgrade your buildings and pay the salaries of your players.


In order for your players to be always fit, they need Food and Energy Drinks prepared after a recipe known only by your Club's cooks.
A Restaurant of a higher level will offer an energy bonus through the Food consumed by the players of your team, as following:
upgrade 1 - 20% energy;
upgrade 2 – 40% energy;
upgrade 3 - 60% energy;
upgrade 4 - 80% energy;
upgrade 5 - 100% energy;
The Food
The Food is consumed at regular hours, two times a day, at 08.00 and 18.00, according to each country's time zone. If you have Food of different qualities, the first food consumed will be the Food of Superior Quality, then Medium Quality Food and finally Low Quality Food.
Also, the Food will be consumed only if there are enough pieces on stock to cover the necessary for the whole line-up. Inferior Quality Food will offer your players 5 energy points per player, Medium Quality Food will offer 15 energy points per player and the High Quality Food offers 25 energy points per player. When you buy Food from the Market you receive 100 portions of food in the Restaurant's stock.
The Energy Drinks
The Energy Drinks are consumed when the manager decides it. If you have Energy Drinks of different qualities, the first Energy Drink consumed will be the Superior Quality Energy Drink, then the Medium Quality Energy Drink and then the Low Quality Energy Drink.
. Also, the Energy Drinks will be consumed only if there are enough pieces on stock to cover the necessary for the whole line-up. Low Quality Energy Drink offers 5 energy points per player, Medium Quality Energy Drink offer 15 energy points per player and the High Quality Energy Drink offers 25 energy points per player. When you buy Energy Drinks from the Market you receive 100 pieces of Energy Drinks in the Restaurant's stock


During the matches, the football players may suffer injuries. The injuries affect the whole team, since important players may be missing from the field for a period.
The Clinic helps recovering the injured players as fast as possible, depending on the upgrade level, as following:
upgrade 1 - 20% faster;
upgrade 2 – 40% faster;
upgrade 3 - 60% faster;
upgrade 4 - 80% faster;
upgrade 5 - 100% faster;.


To always be fit, your football players need to rest in the best conditions possible. The more rested they are, the more Energy they will have, and their performances during the matches will considerably increase.
The Hotel gives Energy every day depending on the upgrade, as following:
upgrade 1 - 3 points;
upgrade 2 – 6 points;
upgrade 3 - 9 points;
upgrade 4 - 12 points;
upgrade 5 - 15 points;


The supporters who come to the stadium to see the matches of your team will appreciate the comfort offered by the Club's manager through the Parking.
Thus, when your team plays at home, your popularity will increase, depending on the upgrade of the Parking, as following:
upgrade 1 - 0.6 points;
upgrade 2 – 1.2 points;
upgrade 3 - 1.8 points;
upgrade 4 - 2.4 points;
upgrade 5 - 3 points;


In order to win a match, your players train in advance and be prepared forehand. The players need an extra Training Field, to be fit and to exercise the tactics conceived by the coach.
The Training Field will help the players and the youths to train faster, depending on the upgrade, as following:
upgrade 1 - 20% faster;
upgrade 2 – 40% faster;
upgrade 3 - 60% faster;
upgrade 4 - 80% faster;
upgrade 5 - 100% faster;
From here you can also purchase new players, Youths and Trainers, choose their skill level and their type.



The Live Matches take place at 19.00 on each time zone. The guest team will travel to the host team an hour before the game. During this period of time, the Other players cannot be placed in the first team.
For the away matches, a tax of 100 local currency will be paid, that represents the cost of the transportation to and from the host team. If the Club doesn't have the necessary funds for the transportation tax, the Club's budget will be on minus. The team that goes to an away match, will lose 15% Energy/player before the match and another 15% Energy/player after the game. This Energy loss is due to the transportation and it can be restored by the consumption of Energy Drinks.


Depending on the league in which your team is, you have certain benefits. Each league has several subdivisions. The Championship bonuses and winnings will be distributed equally to the leagues, and then the amount received by the league will be distributed subdivisions. If your team is in a higher league, which has fewer subdivisions the bonuses will be higher. In addition you will get more popularity points, which will influence the number of ticket paying supporters, automatically increasing your club's income. A season lasts for 30 days.
In the National League, in each subdivision, a number of 16 teams will participate. The games are played in 30 stages, on a home – away match system.
Depending on the league in which your team is in, the games will take place between 19.00 and 20.00 local time. You can check at what time your team is playing from the Stages menu. The games lasts for 10 minutes with a 2 minute break between the two periods. If you are online during the matches, you can change the players and the tactics previously set, and you can increase your players' energy by consuming Energy Drinks .
In general, the team with a higher scoring will win the game. However, in a percent of 10 up to 20% of matches there also exists the element of surprise , and the result may be in favor of the team with a lower scoring .
Injuries during the match are influenced by the game style and the attitude of your opponent. The yellow cards received by your players are deleted only at the end of the season. If a player receives two yellow cards in the same match they will automatically be transformed in a red card and the respective player will be suspended for two stages. Also, if a player receives three yellow cards in different matches until the end of the season , that player will be suspended for two stages.


In the Continental Championship all the teams from the respective continent participate. It is a top-rated competition where you can prove both the value of your team but also your qualities as a manager. A well-trained team is more likely to reach the higher stages of the Continental Cup and thus to earn more money from the victories. The Continental Championship has its own fund which is distributed according to the stage reached by your team.
The Continental Cup format is:
Play-offs -the opponents are determined randomly;
in this stage the teams from the same country cannot play;
after the play-offs 32 teams will remain and they will enter in groups;
only a match is played;
the teams that have played at home in the first round, will play away in the next round and vice-versa.
the matches are established according to a draw.
Groups - There will be 8 groups of 4 teams each, from A to H;
the first two teams from each group will move forward and then they will participate in the play-offs;
the teams from the same country will not be able to play in the groups;
every team will play against every opponent from the group, in a home-away system.
Decisive matches - the 16 teams qualified in the groups will play decisive matches until a champion is established.
the opponents are established through a draw, regardless of the country they come from;
the matches are played in a home-away system.
The Continental Championship matches will take place according to the time zone of the home team. In addition, players who participate in the Continental Championship matches will get more experience than they usually receive from a regular match.



Every club has a group of 8 advisors that will counsel the managers regarding the necessities of his club.
The Financial Advisor helps the manager with the development of the Administrative Building. The Administrative Building is a key element of the management of your Club Park. An administrative building of a higher level will increase the popularity of your Club and therefore its earnings. The administrative building has 5 levels of upgrade, which will provide extra popularity points. This advisor will keep you informed about your club's finances and popularity level.
The Stadium Advisor helps the manager with the development of the Stadium. The Stadium is where your football players will show their skills acquired during training. The maximum capacity of the Stadium is 100,000 seats. The presence of spectators at your team's matches is an extremely important factor for your players’ morale, and for your club's finances. This advisor will keep you informed with the needs of the stadium and state of its components.
The Restaurant Advisor helps the manager with the development of the Restaurant. For your players to be always in shape, they need Food and Energy Drinks prepared by a special recipe, known only by your club's cook. A restaurant of a higher level will offer an energy bonus through the food consumed by your team players. This advisor will keep you informed about the available food stock.
The Training Advisor will keep you informed about your team’s workouts. In order for your team to win a match, they must prepare in advance. Players need an additional Training Ground to be in shape and to practice tactics designed by the trainer. The Training Field helps the players and the youths to train faster, depending on the upgrade level.
The Parking Advisor will keep the manager informed about the development of the Parking. Fans who come to the Stadium to watch your team's the matches will appreciate the comfort offered through the Parking Lot. Thus, your popularity will increase, depending on the upgrade level of the parking lot. As your popularity is higher, so will be your club's incomes. This advisor will inform the manager about the state of the parking lot and the popularity level.
The Hospital Advisor will help the manager to develop his hospital. During matches, football players can suffer injuries. Injuries affect the entire team, as key players may be missing for a certain period from the field. The Hospital helps heal the injured players in a shorter time, depending on the upgrade level. This advisor will keep him informed regarding the health of the players.
The Hotel Advisor aims to help the manager develop his Hotel. To stay in shape, football players need proper resting conditions after every game. The more rested they are, the more energy they will have and their performance during matches will increase considerably. The Hotel provides Energy according to the upgrade level. This advisor will keep the manager informed about the needs of the Hotel needs.
The Supporters Advisor will constantly inform the manager regarding the supporters’ disposition. Also, the counselor will keep him informed of the needs of the club, so that the fans are always satisfied.



The football managers receive initially two trainers, though they have the possibility of purchasing more trainers from Markets/ Buy Trainers. You can choose the skill level of the trainer you want to purchase and his specialty: tackling, dribbling, long shot, head shot, shot, passing, speed and stamina.
The incomes from the Trainer sale are transferred to the Partners Fund, and the prices are set in Gold, as follows:
15 Gold – Talent 1 – trains the main ability with 32% – 40%. Training speed: +0%;
45 Gold - Talent 2 – trains the main ability with 42% – 50%. Training speed: +25%;
135 Gold - Talent 3 – trains the main ability with 52% – 60%. Training speed: +50%;
405 Gold - Talent 4 – trains the main ability with 72% – 80%. Training speed: +75%;
1215 Gold - Talent 5 – trains the main ability with 92% – 100%. Training speed: +100%.



Managers can purchase youths between the ages of 13 and 15 years old. There are two main selection criteria for youths: talent, position on the field (goalkeeper, defender, midfielder and forwarder).
The incomes from the Youth sale are transferred to the Partners Fund, and the prices are set in Gold, as follows:
5 Gold – Talent 1 – develops his main skill with 32% – 40%. Training speed: +0%;
15 Gold - Talent 2 – develops his main skill with 42% – 50%. Training speed: +25%;
45 Gold - Talent 3 – develops his main skill with 52% – 60%. Training speed: +50%;
135 Gold - Talent 4 – develops his main skill with 72% – 80%. Training speed: +75%;
405 Gold - Talent 5 – develops his main skill with 92% – 100%. Training speed: +100%.
At the age of 16 years old, the youths can be promoted to the First Team. The Youth Team trains separately from the First Team.



All the trainings performed by your team are kept in the Training Logs.
You can see the trainings performed, based on 3 selection categories as follows: the first team, theyouth team,and other players. Also, you have the possibility of selecting the date from which you wish to see the training log.
This training log contains the players that have trained, the position on which they have trained, the name, talent, age, speed, health and the general score. As the player's talent is greater, so will be the skill.
Keep in mind that the training speed depends on 4 factors:
the level of the training field;
the trainers;
the energy of the players.

The energy of your players decreases with 50% at every training performed.



The training is very important in the development of your player's qualities. In order to train a player, hold the click on the respective player and place him on one of the wanted positions (goalkeeper, tackling, dribbling, head shoot, shoot, passing).
Through the same method you can place the trainer in the spaces assigned to them. All actions are saved automatically. Every day you will receive a training log, through which you will be informed about the details of the performed training.
Keep in mind that the training speed depends on 4 factors:
-the level of the training field;
-the trainers;
-the energy of the players.


Your team's tactic can be set before every game. You can set different parameters in order to conceive the best strategy for your next match, such as: line-up (ex. 4-4-2, 3-5-1, etc.), game style (normal, defensive, offensive), attitude (aggressive, normal, possessive), and passing (long passes or short passes).
You may also set the bonus for each match and the bonus for the whole season. Moreover, you can put your players in the first team. In order to put a player in the first team or to change the position of your players in the field, using the drag-and-drop method place the player you want in the position you want.
Do not forget to set the captain, the free kicks taker, the penalty taker and the corner taker.



The football manager has the possibility of setting the first team after every match. You also have available various information for every player.
To place a player in the first team, use the Drag and Drop method and place him in the first team. Also, you can change the position of the players on the field. All actions are saved automatically. For every player you can see details as moral, energy, form, experience, stamina, goalkeeping abilities, tackling, dribbling, long shot, head shot, shot, passing, effectiveness, general score and actual score.
All the available information will help you choose the best strategy for your team's matches.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Every football manager will receive a predefined team from the start, composed of 11 players and 9 reserves, as well as 2 trainers. From the menus Market/Bid Players, Youths or Trainers, you can buy more Players, Youths and Trainers for your team. You also have available o list of all the players put up for auction. You can chose the players according to multiple categories such as: position, age, talent, leg, country, price, salary, speed, stamina, keeper abilities, defense, passing, ball control, cross, head shot and shooting. For each player from the market you can see the time left until the auction ends. During the auction, if a user bids in the last 3 minutes before the auction ends, the term of the auction will be prolonged with another 3 minutes.
The players have different characteristics, such as:
MO = Moral;
EN = Energy;
FO = Form;
EXP = Experience;
SP = Speed;
STM = Stamina;
GK = Goalkeeping;
TK = Tackling;
DR = Dribbling;
LS = Long Shot;
HS = Head Shot;
PS = Passing;
PC = Position Coefficient;
EC = Efficiency Coefficient;
GS = General Score;
AS = Actual Score.

Every player has a specific position on the field, and the role of the manager is to set the best starting team, so that his team has a higher efficiency during the matches.
Your players have the following abilities:
Tackling – is the player's ability to dispossess;
Dribbling – is the player's ability to maintain the control of the ball around his opponent;
Long shot – is the player's ability to center the ball or pass it to his teammates at a long distance;
Head shot – is the player's ability to hit the ball with his head;
Shot – is the player's ability to shot the ball in order to score;
Passing – is the player's ability to pass the ball to his teammates;
Speed – is the player's ability to run on the field faster than his teammates;
Stamina – is the player's capacity to put efforts for a relatively long time and with high intensity indices while maintaining constant optimum efficiency;
Defense – is the player's ability to avert the actions of his opponents.

Also, when reaching a certain age your players retire and become trainers. For every specialty, the age limit is as follows:
attacker – 35 years;
midfielder – 36 years;
defender – 38 years;
goalkeeper – 40 years;

Your player's stamina influences their energy level during matches. It is assumed that during training all the players submit the same amount of effort, so their energy decreases with 50% after training. In contrast, during matches, not all players submit the same effort and their energy levels will drop according to their stamina. The more stamina your players have (resistance), the slower their energy level will decreases.
Speed refers to the abilty of your players to run faster on the field during a match. As this skill becomes of a higher level, so will your player's scoring. The Speed can be increased by placing you players on the training positions for this ability.
The morale of players increases after each goal scored with 5 points. Also after 3 consecutive winnings, all your players morale will increase with 20 points.
Concerning the Form, it increases after each match by 5 points to players in the First team, with 2,5 points for the Reserves and decreases with 7.5 to the Others.
Your players Experience increases according to the Series your team is in, with 0.5 points if your team is in the 1st series, 0.4 in the 2nd series and so on up to 0.1 points.


GoalTycoon GoalTycoon is an online football manager, in which you can convert the virtual currency to your benefit. It is a strategy game that relies on the management of a football team. The Manager will be the one that picks the best game strategy, choosing the players, the training strategies and also the financial strategy.
Every user from the GoalTycoon community will have a football team and a club park, which is made out of a stadium, hotel, restaurant, clinic, parking lot, administrative building and training field. The manager will also have a team of advisors that will help him develop his club, giving him information about the necessities of his club park.


Why is Popularity so important in GoalTycoon?
Popularity is an extremely important factor in GoalTycoon. As your popularity level becomes higher, so will your incomes, becoming substantial. A higher popularity entails more ticket paying fans that will come to your team’s games. Therefore, your club will be making more money. The number of ticket paying supporters coming to the Stadium is determined by your club's popularity, and the popularity of the opposing club. Thus, for each home game, the presence of supporters will be calculated using the following formula:
(The Popularity of your Club + The Popularity of the opposing Club) / 2.
The Popularity decreases when your team loses matches and when the supporters are not pleased with the Stadium's conditions, they do not have enough seats. Also, Popularity increases depending on the League your team is in and depending on the facilities of your Club Park, the parking places, the administrative building and the League your team is in, the commodities of the Stadium, meaning the quality of the Pitch, of the Roof, of the Nocturnals.
If you do not have enough seats for your Supporters, the popularity will decrease by 10%. The Popularity also decreases with 25% if the ticket prices are too high. Also, if your team wins a match the popularity grows by 3%, and if the team loses that game, the popularity decreases by 5%. If the match ends in a draw, the team with the higher popularity will lose 2% of it's popularity and the team with the lower popularity will have it increased by 1%.
In addition, you get a Popularity bonus when you make investments in the game, depending on the amount invested, as follows:
Between 18 and 44 Euro =2 points for popularity;
Between 45 and 89 Euro = 6 points of popularity;
Between 90 and 474 Euro = 13 points for popularity;
Between 475 and 999 Euro = 75 points for popularity;
Over 1000 Euro = 150 points of popularity.